Food is a portal to understanding our world, our communities and ourselves. It provides a unique and critical perspective on everything—from everyday habits to global issues, from the way we design our countries, cities to how we navigate climate crises.

dhoop uses food as a lens. Through this lens, we can interrogate culture, sustainability, design and the systems that sustain life. Initially, we started as a magazine focused on stories of food and its intersections. Over time, it has grown into something more profound—a space, a research platform, embracing a multidisciplinary approach that invites collaboration and deeper inquiry.

Why subscribe?

  • If you want to support our work beyond the magazine, please consider becoming a ✨ paid subscriber on Substack ( 🔗 link in bio). Your contributions will help us keep Dhoop going for longer. As a paid subscriber, you will be the first to know all about the theme of ISSUE #3, receive recommended readings, event information, merch drops ( yes, totes are coming back!!), and get a full preview of past issues. ✨

  • To foster a space to engage in a dialogue - we want this newsletter to provide a space for discussion. We want to tell and listen.

  • As a Paid subscriber, you get access to all of dhoop’s archives, two monthly newsletters, first access to future events, a curated reading list, and everything to cook, do, and watch. It will be fun.

Subscribe to Some dhoop for you

food, culture, nature, sustainability, and design.


Dhoop explores and documents food stories by finding them at an intersection of culture, nature, sustainability, and design.